Extant, a sci-fi drama television series from CBS and Executive Producer, Steven Spielberg, recently featured GUNNAR Optiks Vayper and Anime style glasses in two episodes that aired earlier this year. Leading cast members, Halle Berry and Necar Zadegan, were the first to each don a pair of Vayper during the episode titled, “Empathy for the Devil”. The ladies lined up to fire off a few rounds in an indoor shooting range where they can be clearly seen sporting the gaming style glasses as their stare down-range. Later, during the series finale titled, “The Greater Good”, actors Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Richard T. Jones are both seen preparing to infiltrate a high-security building posing as IT technicians, and each put on a pair of Anime to ensure they looked the part.
Given GUNNAR’s increased efforts to reach a wider audience, we’re honored to have been a part of this fascinating series on CBS. For more information about the show and to see past episodes, head on over to their official page here.